Digital Workspaces

We build digital workspaces that allow you to focus on what makes your business great while we handle your IT.


All the things we’re exceptionally good at:
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Workplace Solutions
Seamlessly deploying, managing, and integrating the devices you rely on every day—no matter where your team is.
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Cloud Services
Automating and managing your infrastructure, whether it’s in your data center, on the edge, or in the cloud.
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Securing your organization against cyber threats with continuous monitoring and countermeasures using Microsoft’s cutting-edge cybersecurity tools.
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Collaboration Tools
Leveraging the full potential of Microsoft 365, including Teams, OneDrive, Exchange, and SharePoint.
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Smart Apps
Automating your business processes with tailored application solutions powered by IoT, Big Data, and Microsoft Power Platform.
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Technical Expertise
Providing deep industry knowledge through technical reviews, workshops, training, and strategic consulting.

Our services

From full IT management to targeted expertise, here’s how we support you across the entire IT value chain:
all-in-one solution
IT as a Service
Worxspace Managed
The all-in-one package for SMEs seeking a modern, flexible IT solution. Whether you’re already in the cloud or need guidance to get there, we’re your trusted partner.
Focus areas:
specific services
Audits & Assessments
Microsoft 365 & Azure Review
In a detailed analysis of your Microsoft 365 and Azure environments, we identify risks and provide actionable insights to enhance performance and security.
Focus areas:
Infrastructure Automation
Worxspace automations
When out-of-the-box solutions aren’t enough, we create custom automation that meets your unique needs to streamline your business operations.
Focus areas:
Infrastructure automation
Virtual Desktop Images & App Packaging

Image as a service
Whether on Azure Virtual Desktop or Citrix, we help you virtualize your desktop, managing everything from image creation to application packaging for reliable solutions tailored to your needs.
Focus areas:
Virtual desktop
Projects, Consulting & Mandates
Worxspace EXPERT
Tap into our expertise across workplace solutions, cloud, and cyber security for one-off projects and long-term engagements.
Focus areas:
Strategic consulting

Join our team

We’re on a mission to provide the best digital workplaces possible while prioritizing our employees, customers, and environment. Interested in joining us?
  • 5 weeks + 5 days of vacation
  • Excellent social benefits
  • Travel and expense coverage
  • Fitness incentives
Workplace Engineer
Microsoft 365, Endpoint Manager
Competitive, based on experience and qualifications from CHF 90,000/year
Start date:
to be agreed upon

Our partners

We work with industry leaders to bring you the best solutions:
Strategic Partner
We’re a Microsoft-first company, building our solutions on a robust foundation of Microsoft technologies.
Backup Solutions
As a Veeam Partner, we offer reliable backup and recovery solutions.
Hardware Solutions
HP & Lenovo
With our trusted hardware providers, we deliver top-quality devices.
Cloud Reseller
As a certified reseller, we provide flexible and scalable cloud solutions.